Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
Our business is developing in a world where social and economic change is progressing ever more rapidly. We face many challenges, not least that of global climate change. We recognise the need to adopt responsible policies with regard to the environment and to ensure they form part of our corporate culture.
Our Mission Statement
Acorn Thorn is a growing business. We aim to continue our growth and development by manufacturing and marketing products that are innovative, durable and recyclable.
Where possible we will utilise renewable sources of energy and raw materials. We will work to reduce any negative impact on our environment by minimising our dependence on fossil fuels, by reducing energy consumption and eliminating waste. We will always seek to make continuous improvement.
Our products will be designed and manufactured to the highest standards of quality commensurate with a pricing structure that will keep us competitive. We will listen to and support our customers by providing help and advice with a dedicated customer support service.
Acorn Thorn is a company that delivers – on quality, value and service
Our Values
Acorn Thorn is a company that values honesty and openness. We believe in being fair to our suppliers and customers alike. We do not promise to deliver what cannot be delivered but we do aim to provide our products: correct, first time, on time, every time.
Our Principles and Standards
Acorn Thorn will adhere to the highest standards of integrity and will always have in mind the need to preserve the good reputation of our Company and also the reputations of our Trading Partners.
We believe in treating all our employees fairly and equally and to provide the support, training and working environment required to enable them to achieve the goal of excellence of service.
We believe that businesses should contribute to their local community and be good neighbours. We operate our business with due consideration to others and consult with our neighbours as and when appropriate. We aim to make a positive contribution to the local community and will give our support to deserving groups and charities where and when it is practicable and appropriate to do so.
Our Suppliers
We rely on good relations with our suppliers. We will ensure that our key suppliers are aware of our aims, philosophy and principles and will encourage them to participate in developing these same ideals.
We will monitor our suppliers’ performance in the same way that we continually monitor our own. We will communicate positively with suppliers if and when any issues arise.
We will endeavour to make due payments to our suppliers fairly and promptly.
We value sustainable loyalty based on trust and respect.
Environmental Policy
Acorn Thorn regularly reviews production, delivery and administrative processes to ensure that we provide our services efficiently and with the least possible adverse environmental impact.
This is a key element in our company’s corporate responsibility strategy and is under the personal supervision of the managing director.
The key objectives are to:
Reduce energy consumption: Electricity, Gas and Water.
Be efficient and economical in use of resources.
Use renewable sources wherever possible.
Reduce use of office consumables: paper, ink, stationery.
Eliminate unnecessary paper communications.
Reduce use of company vehicles and travel where practicable.
In order to meet these goals we have, in recent years:
Relocated to new purpose built, energy efficient premises.
Created a new website offering extensive facilities featuring the full catalogue thereby eliminating the need for a large proportion of previously printed material.
Reduced the use of plastics and non-biodegradable packing to near zero.
And, as part of an ongoing process we:
Encourage all our suppliers to conform to similarly responsible environmental policies.
Restrict our purchasing to companies that can demonstrate that they have due regard to the environment and the impact their businesses may have.
Develop electronic order acknowledgement and invoicing for customers able to receive data electronically.
Replace company cars with more fuel efficient models as they become due for renewal.
Make best use of public transport where appropriate.
Restrict mailed advertising material to tightly targeted groups in preference to general circulation.
We ask all our customers and suppliers to help us achieve these goals and so by joint effort help to make a positive contribution to reducing the risk of damage to the environment.
Paul Thorn
Managing Director
April 2018